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Supplier Market Intelligence for Sourcing

In GEP SMART, your supplier database and your sourcing database are one and the same. When you look at a supplier record, you can see all your past sourcing activities with the supplier. You can even look at a sourcing event to dive into each supplier’s details, whenever you want. GEP SMART gives you instant access to detailed supplier profiles, including scorecards and past performance data.

Often, RFXs contain standard questions for suppliers that they have to answer again, even if they have done business with you in the past. This not only inconveniences your suppliers, but also increases the workload on your sourcing team as it has to check and recheck the same information from the same suppliers, multiple times.

But with GEP SMART's sourcing software solutions, you have a new way of doing things. By separating the steps of supplier registration and RFP, you can ensure that the sourcing part of the process remains focused, targeted and easy to manage, while still ensuring that new suppliers are correctly assessed, categorized and validated. 

When selecting suppliers for inclusion in a sourcing event, you can search and analyze the supplier database at any time, right up to the point where you add the suppliers to the RFX. You can even add suppliers with whom you have never done business in the past to your RFX. GEP SMART will onboard new suppliers through your predefined supplier registration, enrolment and categorization process, before it opens up the RFX for them. Meanwhile, you can invite existing suppliers at the same time, but take them straight to the RFX.










GEP SMART features the most powerful and effective set of management sourcing tools available to enterprise procurement teams today. Leverage sourcing best practices, streamline and automate on one unified sourcing and procurement platform native to cloud, mobile and touch technologies. Drive more competition for your business. Manage risk and maximize value for money. GEP SMART helps you realize and sustain long-term savings.

Collaborative RFP Authoring

Quickly and easily build multi-line proposals and quotes with flexible forms, templates, wizards, and consistent workflows across all your business units, regions and suppliers by collaborating with colleagues

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Supplier Intelligence

Get all the information you need about your suppliers — old and new, across categories and regions — in one place. Evaluate your relationship with existing suppliers before you invite them for a new RFP

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Real-Time Auctions

Stimulate more competition for your business and achieve true, up-to-the-minute market pricing on products and services. Drive best-value sourcing for your business with real-time auctions, always

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Sourcing Repository

Create sourcing events quickly from best-practice sourcing templates, based on your business rules. GEP SMART helps you save on the time and effort needed to launch a new RFI, RFQ, RFP, or e-auction

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Sourcing Dashboards

Get 360-degree view of all the sourcing activities and events across the enterprise — past and present. Evaluate performance against your sourcing strategy. Take timely actions to drive better results

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Seamless Process Flow

No more working with multiple sourcing tools. GEP SMART's in-platform analytics automatically activates sourcing waves; pre-populated contract tools and templates speed up the procurement cycle

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