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Savings Opportunity Finder

It’s all very well trawling through the cleansed, classified spend data to look for savings opportunities. But how do you know where to look? We all know that there are different ways in which savings can be realized. Price reduction, demand aggregation, supplier base rationalization – these are all good strategies. But how do you determine which one to use?

GEP SMARTTM really can help. The Opportunity Finder in GEP SMART will search and analyze the spend data for you, guided by your needs. GEP SMART can show you the hotspots where supplier count is seemingly too high for the level of spend, where there are too many different payment terms in a particular category, or where demand can be aggregated to drive more savings.

Not just that, GEP SMART will add all your suppliers’ corporate linkages to your spend data. So, if you are paying different amounts for the same service from different subsidiaries of a parent company, GEP SMART will pick it up and alert you of the opportunity to rationalize pricing. 



Spend Analysis

Understand spend quickly and easily. Move from line-item to enterprise-wide with a click. Optimize savings opportunities based on your sourcing strategy

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Savings Tracking

Gain real-time visibility into your cost-savings initiatives and their impact. Eliminate redundancy and error from data capture, tracking and measurement

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Quickly identify, evaluate and qualify new suppliers. Streamline your RFX-to-award cycle, achieve best-value agreements whenever you source

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Contract Management

Reduce the time, effort and paper used to create, manage and monitor contracts. Boost contract utilization and increase spend compliance

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Supplier Management

Monitor thousands of suppliers; use scorecards, surveys, alerts, status and summary reports; track, measure and optimize supplier performance

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Boost adoption, increase spend under management with a consumer-like purchasing experience; improve compliance and reduce the req-to-pay cycle time

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