The next frontier in procurement technology The next frontier in procurement technology

Source-to-Settle Technology

Many large global organizations have long, inefficient source-to-settle cycles and significant amount of capital blocked in their accounts payable. By streamlining and automating their source-to-settle activities, enterprises can boost process efficiency, unlock cash held up in accounts payable and achieve bottom-line cost savings.

Move all activities connected to your business purchases — requisition, sourcing, RFx, auctions, generation of purchase orders, receipt and payment of invoices — to an electronic, source-to-settle platform. Increase buyer adoption with easy-to-use source-to-settle technology. Improve spend visibility and compliance.

Eliminate errors and save time and effort spent on manual data entry and paperwork by using intuitive and efficient source-to-settle tools. Seamlessly flow in data from multiple sources to generate and process all documents related to sourcing, purchasing, invoicing, payment and settlement.

Automatic workflow approvals speed up the entire source-to-settle process. Gain efficiencies and free up resources to focus on activities that drive more value.

Streamline Your Source-to-Settle Processes

  • Cut down cycle time for all activities
  • Streamline and optimize your payments
  • Unlock cash from accounts payable
  • Improve accuracy
  • Achieve better compliance
  • Reduce cost of transactions

What You Get

Consolidation of data from different sources for increased spend visibility

Increased Spend Visibility – Consolidate all your spend data from multiple sources for real-time visibility and analysis

Enhanced purchasing experience achieved only by GEP SMART’s intuitive Source-to-Pay progam

Enhanced Purchasing Experience – Source products or services from across the globe with a consumer style purchasing experience using intuitive, source-to-pay tools

Complete Source-to-Pay automated process for value addition

Process Automation – Streamline and automate all the downstream activities, reducing cycle time, eliminating paperwork and errors

Advanced sourcing capabilities for managing RFX, auctions and sourcing events

Advanced Sourcing Capabilities – Manage RFx, Auctions and other sourcing events on an online collaborative platform

An excellent Contract Management process for managing, monitoring and modifying contracts with suppliers.

Contract Management — Reduce the time, effort and paper used to create, manage and monitor contracts

Why it Matters

Automated Documentation Process to Boost Efficiency

Boost Efficiency – Automated generation and processing of documents such as purchase orders, receipts and invoices enhances process efficiency

Centralized procurement to increase adoption and improve compliance

Increase Adoption — Ease of use boosts adoption and improves compliance as more spend is routed through a centralized purchasing platform

Fast accounts payable processes through faster invoice processing and payments

Unlock Capital in Accounts Payable — Fast processing of invoices and settlement of payments releases valuable cash from the accounts payable process

Source-to-Settle cycle helps in achieving higher savings targets

More Savings — Drive higher savings across the source-to-settle cycle by reducing the cost of transactions and processing payments